I recently completed this painting for a family in Wisconsin. It brings me great joy to capture the family's memories of their land. This particular farm is 100 acres and has been in the family for nearly 100 years. When I was first contacted the story intrigued me. Three sons, their families, and parents all live their. The property had the original farm house, a Christmas Tree farm, an old lime kiln, a well, horse barn, a special place for their remembered four legged family, a oak tree stand, and of course the houses they lived in. I didn't get to walk the land but the client provided many detailed pictures of the houses and tree landmarks. I filled in the rest with my imagination. One day I will need to do a painting of my own family farm I grew up on. What do they say,"The cobbler's children have no shoes."?
Neu Wengen Family 100 acre Farm 30”x 22”